Thursday, January 12, 2012

Working From Home

Working from home is not a easy thing to do.  A person that works from home must be disciplined in getting their tasks done, doing the laundry,  and --- well dusting the furniture.  Working from home does not mean that you have large amount of downtime.  One must still complete all activities of daily living like dinner, time for hobbies, and family time. My days past so fast since I started working from home. My days never went this fast when I had to take public transportation to and from work. I have worked from home for about 3 years.  I no longer work for others at home. I work for myself.  It is a risk, but so far it has been paying off.

I have developed a routine in the mornings.  I refuse to get up early.  I hated getting up early when I had to go out to work so I treat myself to a daily "lie in" until 9:00 am.  Then in my PJs I warm up the computer, brush my teeth, drink a 1/2 cup of juice, and get started on what every task I have to do online work.  I finish my online work by 12 noon and I wash up for the day.  I get out the food that needs to defrosted for dinner  and run any errands outside the house.  I return between 2 and 3  pm on most days then I return to my computer for email checks and any research that I need to conduct.  I have described a typical day.  On days that I have attend a class, meeting, workshop, or have a doctor's appointment --things are different, but the goal is that I must get my online work done no matter what.

I have dabbled in many hobbies while at home.  These hobbies have turned into profit making ventures.  Recently, I took a couple of fashion classes.  In one class, I learned how to make hand stitches.  Funny, I thought hand stitching would be very easy, but I was wrong.  Hand stitching takes a time to master.  But, one is very happy with the result. One of the first seams we learned on the sewing machine was the "French Seam".  The teacher showed us in class, but I needed more help so I found this video on "YouTube"  it is pretty good.  The first hand stitch we learned was the blind hem.  Again, I had to find a video to help me with this stitch.  I began to use class instruction and the online videos as my tools for learning in the fashion classes.  The fashion classes have been a real boost to my sewing and crafting confidence.  I hope the new found confidence will result in a more financially secure future working for myself at home.  Just a few of my thoughts for the day!

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